Thoughts On An Early Morning Walk

We have been having frosty mornings here in Southeastern Oklahoma and I have so been enjoying every second of them.  Fiona gets picked up by the bus right in front of our house at about 7am every school morning.  So Julz and I have begun a morning ritual where we get all our jackets and boots on, send Fiona off to school and start our day.  We go let our dog Daisy out, feed her and give her some scratches.  Next, we get the chicken feed out, feed the chickens and let them out for the day.  Then, we open up the back gate and go for our walk on the path Jason mowed before everything stopped growing.  Daisy gets to go exercise and explore all the things she thought she saw and barked at during the night.  Julz and I get some fresh air and a bit of exercise to start our day before the day really starts for us.  

I love this ritual for a lot of reasons.  Yesterday it hit me hard that this time next year Julz will be off at school and I will be doing who knows what.  But, the reality is it doesn’t make me sad to think about, it just makes me aware to really enjoy this season of her being 3 and little before she goes to school and life will be a little bit different next December, a new era.  I guess it is starting to sink in that the last little chick is leaving the nest of being at home with mommy every day.  I know it is 8 months away, but I have had a little one at home with me every day since I was I guess 24 so… yea…just little by little things are starting to sneak up and reality of things to change are settling in the back of my mind.  

All that to say, I am really enjoying our morning walks and am really living in the moment this month.  I hope you are too because if you didn’t already know the month is already a third of the way over.  I told ya a few days ago how fast this month goes, and still I am sitting here not able to believe how fast December really does go.

I guess today I am stopping and thinking and am grateful and just trying to absorb it all before the new year and we all pivot a little. 

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