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Exploring our 5 acres – September 1st, 2019


Today the family and I did some really cool activities.  One of which was going down and exploring the back of our property.   We moved onto 5 acres just about 6 months ago and the last 6 months we have learned how to take care of the front two acres, but the back three acres need bigger equipment than we can currently invest in to keep cut and orderly.

Last week my husband took our riding lawn mower and mowed the path to and around our pond and today we took our kids on a walk to go explore how low the water was and to see what was blooming.  Honestly our property is incredibly wild.  We can walk the same path everyday and everyday there is something new, new animal tracks, new flowers blooming, new fire ant hills, it’s insane and amazing.

We discovered we definitely have fish in our pond and I will talk to you more about that tomorrow.  The girls had a blast exploring and walking the path Jason cut around the pond.  There are always a lot of dragonflies fluttering around, and ripples dancing on the surface.  The pond is such a cool secluded ecosystem, it is like this secret treasure of a spot that I unintentionally have not shared much of.

Another amazing thing we have is this old galvanized steel barn which I will have to share more about later.  Bur for now I wanted to share these pictures of these roots growing in and out of the fence and the barn itself.  It is just breathtaking to me, and is so unreal that this is something so wild on the property we own.

I am looking forward to sharing more of this side of my life with you here.  Every day is a new adventure, why not share some of it here to look back on.  Instagram is amazing, but sometimes the convenience of the speed to share on the stories, also means, the speed as to which it is gone and unorganized.  This is going to be great to share with you, but will also be a wonderful record for my family to look back on as well as we start to really dig our teeth into exploring what these 5 acres are able to provide us.

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